Remote IT Wisconsin Services Managed Technology Wisconsin Services 

In the lively and ever-evolving landscape of Wisconsin and its surrounding regions, Prescient Solutions Services establishes itself as a front-runner in Managed Technology Services. Backed by an experienced team of networking and help desk technicians, Prescient Solutions takes the lead in providing a wide array of managed technology services meticulously customized to meet the distinct requirements of Wisconsin’s diverse business community.

Your Comprehensive IT Partner in Wisconsin

At Prescient Solutions, we possess a deep understanding of the technological intricacies and obstacles encountered by Wisconsin-based companies. Our mission is to deliver seamless, efficient, and all-encompassing IT support that empowers businesses to excel in this fiercely competitive environment.

Prescient Solutions is a Wisconsin-based IT firm with a track record of nearly 15 years, operating on a cloud-based model to deliver managed technology services to a wide spectrum of clients, including small enterprises, mid-sized companies, global organizations, and government entities.

Resources when you need them: 24/7/365 or on-demand.


Facts about Wisconsin

Nestled in the American Midwest, Wisconsin stands out as a state of diverse achievements, blending economic prowess, cultural richness, and natural beauty.

Dairy Capital of the Nation

Wisconsin proudly holds the title of the leading cheese producer in the United States. With a robust dairy industry, the state’s high-quality cheeses, including its renowned cheddar, contribute significantly to the national market.



Mississippi River: Economic and Scenic Gateway

The Mississippi River, forming Wisconsin’s western border, not only provides a picturesque landscape but also serves as a vital economic conduit. The state capitalizes on this strategic location for waterborne commerce.



Winter Tourism Hub

Embracing its winter landscape, Wisconsin has become a premier destination for winter tourism. The state’s commitment to maintaining and promoting winter sports, such as skiing and snowmobiling, attracts enthusiasts from around the country.



Architectural Heritage: Frank Lloyd Wright’s Legacy

Wisconsin takes pride in being the birthplace of renowned architect Frank Lloyd Wright. The state’s architectural landscape is enriched by Wright’s innovative designs, with landmarks like Taliesin showcasing his enduring influence.



Supper Clubs: Culinary Excellence and Tradition

Wisconsin’s culinary scene is uniquely characterized by its supper clubs. These establishments, known for their hearty meals and nostalgic charm, contribute to the state’s reputation as a destination for exceptional dining experiences.



Cranberry Industry Leadership

Wisconsin is a national leader in cranberry production, with vibrant cranberry bogs dotting its landscape. This agricultural prowess not only sustains the state’s economy but also adds a visually striking element during the fall harvest.



Door County: A Gem on the Peninsula

Door County, a scenic peninsula in Wisconsin, is a coveted destination. Its charming small towns, cherry orchards, and picturesque coastlines make it an ideal retreat for those seeking tranquility and natural beauty.



In conclusion, Wisconsin’s blend of economic strength, cultural heritage, and natural wonders position it as a state of distinction, offering a unique and enriching experience for residents and visitors alike.


Here’s why you can rely on Prescient Solutions Wisconsin IT Services:

At Prescient Solutions, situated in the thriving city of Wisconsin, our unwavering commitment lies in delivering outstanding managed technology services meticulously customized to the dynamic business environment of this vibrant region. Our team of highly skilled IT professionals boasts extensive experience and a profound grasp of both global technology trends and the unique requirements of local businesses. This synergy ensures that your IT infrastructure remains robust, dependable, and well-prepared to tackle the demands of the contemporary business landscape.

Our Services:

  • End-to-End IT Support:Our comprehensive range of managed technology services in Wisconsin encompasses everything from resolving intricate software problems to overseeing hardware configurations and repairs.
  • Advanced Network Management: Discover a seamless and uninterrupted connectivity experience through our top-tier network solutions, meticulously crafted to meet the demands of Wisconsin’s fast-paced business landscape.
  • Robust Cybersecurity Solutions: Protect your digital assets with our state-of-the-art cybersecurity services, essential in today’s data-driven world.
  • Cloud Computing Excellence: Harness the potential of cloud technology to elevate your data storage, backup, and accessibility capabilities. Our cloud solutions are thoughtfully tailored to align with the unique requirements of businesses in Wisconsin.
  • 24/7 Technical Support: Whether it’s day or night, our team based in Wisconsin is perpetually prepared to deliver prompt and efficient solutions to address any IT challenges that may arise.

Customized for Wisconsin’s Market:

  • Local Business Insights: We possess a deep understanding of the distinctive technological requirements within Wisconsin’s diverse business sectors, spanning from finance and healthcare to manufacturing and startups.
  • Compliance and Regulations: Stay in compliance with both local and federal regulations by relying on our expert guidance and comprehensive IT support services.

Why Choose Us?

  • Deep Local Knowledge: Our solutions are informed by a comprehensive understanding of Wisconsin’s infrastructure, business climate, and cultural landscape. This knowledge shapes every solution we offer.
  • Tailored IT Strategies: We meticulously tailor our services to align with your specific business objectives, guaranteeing a perfect fit for companies based in Wisconsin.
  • Cost-Efficiency: Enjoy top-tier IT support at competitive prices, designed to give Wisconsin businesses an edge without overstretching their budgets.
  • Swift Response Times: Our close proximity and in-depth familiarity with the region guarantee swift response and resolution times, ensuring the uninterrupted flow of your business operations.

Client Success Stories: Discover how businesses across Wisconsin, from The Loop to Lincoln Park, have transformed their operations with our innovative IT solutions.

Engage with Us: Book a consultation with Prescient Solutions today to elevate your IT infrastructure. Call us at (866) 477-3049 or email.

Stay Connected: Follow us on social media for the latest IT news, updates, and tips, specifically curated for Wisconsin’s vibrant business community.

In the bustling and constantly evolving landscape of Wisconsin and its neighboring regions, Prescient Solutions distinguishes itself as a premier provider of managed technology services. This means that we specialize in assisting businesses with their comprehensive computer and technology requirements, even from a distance. Our team of experts excels in tasks such as configuring computer networks and providing remote assistance for tech issues, whether over the phone or online.

Prescient Solutions excels at offering a diverse array of tech services that are precisely tailored to cater to the distinct needs of various businesses in the region. We recognize that each company is unique and has its own set of requirements, and we are dedicated to delivering solutions that match those individual needs.

Here’s what they can do for your business:

  • Keep Your Data Safe: We have the capability to securely store your critical business data in the cloud. This ensures that your data is protected and accessible from any location, providing you with both safety and flexibility.
  • Help Anytime You Need It:Our help desk operates around the clock, 24/7, to provide support whenever you encounter a computer issue. We are always prepared to assist you with any technical problems you may face.
  • Handle Your Email Systems: We specialize in setting up and managing your business email system, ensuring it operates securely and efficiently. Your email communications will be in safe hands with our expert care.
  • Help Your Team Work from Anywhere: We have the capability to establish remote access solutions, enabling you and your team to work seamlessly from home or any other location as if you were in the office. This flexibility is designed to enhance your remote work experience.
  • Keep an Eye on Your Networks: They constantly check your computer networks to stop problems before they happen.

At Prescient Solutions, our primary focus is harnessing the cutting-edge technology to propel your business to greater heights. We are dedicated to ensuring that your technology serves as an enabler rather than a hindrance. Think of us as your tech superhero team, always at your service, diligently working to ensure that everything runs smoothly for your business.


Managed Services

IT Managed Services

Turning our team of certified experts into your managed technology department.

Cloud Services

Cloud Services

Leverage cloud-based technology to optimize your current programs or build a custom communications platform.



Advanced security services to block intruders and secure your assets.

Onsite Support

Onsite Technology Support

Our professional resources blend in with your employees in-house and function as your own dedicated IT department.

Prescient Solutions Core Values

Sharing Information

Getting the Job Done

Always Doing Better

Acting with Integrity

Working Diligently

FAQs About Our Wisconsin IT Services

What is Managed IT Services?

Managed IT Services involve the outsourcing of diverse IT functions and processes to an external provider. These services encompass a broad spectrum of responsibilities, including the management of networks, applications, infrastructure, and security. Typically, Managed IT Services operate proactively, with the service provider assuming responsibility for the ongoing maintenance and supervision of IT systems to preempt issues before they arise.

How does Managed IT Services work?

Managed IT Services work through a partnership between a business or organization (the client) and an external IT service provider (the managed services provider or MSP).

What are the benefits of Managed IT Services?

Managed IT Services provide a wide array of advantages for businesses and organizations, regardless of their size. Here are some key benefits:

  1. Cost Savings: Managed IT Services often lead to cost savings compared to maintaining an in-house IT department. This includes avoiding expenses related to hiring, training, hardware, software, and unexpected IT emergencies.

  2. Expertise and Specialization: Managed IT Service providers are experts in the field, offering specialized knowledge in areas like cybersecurity, network management, and cloud services, ensuring access to high-quality technical expertise.

  3. Proactive Maintenance: MSPs proactively monitor and maintain IT systems, identifying and addressing issues before they disrupt operations. This results in increased uptime and reduced downtime, boosting productivity.

  4. Scalability: Managed IT Services can be easily scaled to accommodate a business’s changing needs, providing flexibility for expansion or downsizing.

  5. Security: MSPs focus on cybersecurity, implementing and managing security measures to protect against threats like malware, ransomware, and data breaches, safeguarding sensitive business data and customer trust.

  6. Access to Advanced Technology: Managed IT Service providers stay up-to-date with the latest technology trends, granting clients access to advanced tools, software, and hardware without significant upfront investments.

  7. Predictable Costs: Managed IT Services typically involve fixed monthly costs, simplifying budgeting and eliminating unexpected IT expenses.

  8. Faster Issue Resolution: MSPs offer fast response times to IT issues, reducing downtime and enhancing employee productivity and customer satisfaction.

  9. Data Backup and Recovery: Managed IT Services often include robust data backup and disaster recovery solutions, ensuring quick data recovery in case of data loss or system failure.

  10. Compliance and Regulations: MSPs assist businesses in navigating complex industry regulations and compliance requirements, ensuring IT systems adhere to legal standards and avoid potential fines.

  11. Focus on Core Business: With IT management outsourced, businesses can concentrate on core operations and strategic goals, rather than getting bogged down in IT tasks.

  12. 24/7 Support: Many Managed IT Service providers offer round-the-clock support, ensuring assistance is available whenever needed, even outside regular business hours.

  13. Strategic Planning: MSPs often aid in IT strategic planning, aligning technology investments with long-term goals and growth strategies.

  14. Competitive Advantage: Efficient IT management and advanced technology give businesses a competitive edge, enabling them to adapt quickly to changing market conditions.

  15. Peace of Mind: Knowing that IT systems are in capable hands provides peace of mind for business owners and executives, reducing stress and allowing a focus on business growth.

In summary, Managed IT Services offer a comprehensive and proactive approach to IT management, leading to improved efficiency, cost reduction, enhanced security, and a competitive advantage in the market.

Is Managed IT Services secure?

Managed IT Services can be secure when implemented and managed properly by a reputable and trustworthy Managed IT Service provider (MSP). Security is a critical aspect of Managed IT Services, and MSPs take various measures to ensure the security of their clients’ IT environments. Here are some key factors that contribute to the security of Managed IT Services:

  1. Cybersecurity Measures: MSPs implement robust cybersecurity measures to protect their clients’ data and IT systems. This includes firewalls, intrusion detection systems, antivirus software, and encryption, among others.

  2. Regular Updates and Patch Management: MSPs ensure that all software, including operating systems and applications, is regularly updated with security patches to address vulnerabilities and reduce the risk of cyberattacks.

  3. Data Encryption: Sensitive data is often encrypted to protect it from unauthorized access, both in transit and at rest. Encryption adds an extra layer of security to data stored on servers and transmitted over networks.

  4. Access Control: MSPs implement access control policies to restrict access to IT systems and data. Only authorized individuals or personnel with specific permissions can access sensitive information.

  5. Security Monitoring: MSPs continuously monitor IT systems for signs of unusual activity or security breaches. Real-time monitoring allows for the immediate detection and response to security incidents.

  6. Security Awareness Training: MSPs may offer security awareness training for employees to educate them about best practices, such as recognizing phishing emails and avoiding risky online behavior.

  7. Data Backup and Recovery: MSPs typically provide data backup and disaster recovery solutions to ensure that critical data can be restored in the event of data loss or a security incident.

  8. Compliance and Regulations: Managed IT Service providers help clients adhere to industry-specific regulations and compliance requirements, ensuring that IT systems meet legal standards for security and privacy.

  9. Secure Remote Access: Remote access to IT systems is carefully controlled and secured to prevent unauthorized access. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) may be used to enhance security.

  10. Regular Security Audits: MSPs may conduct regular security audits and assessments to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in the client’s IT infrastructure, allowing for proactive security improvements.

It’s important to note that the security of Managed IT Services also depends on the client’s cooperation and adherence to security best practices. Clients should work closely with their MSP to establish security policies, educate employees, and implement security measures that align with their business needs and regulatory requirements.

Choosing a reputable and experienced MSP with a strong track record in cybersecurity is crucial to ensuring the security of Managed IT Services. Clients should also review and understand the terms of their service agreements, including the specifics of the security measures in place.

What services are typically included in Managed IT Services?

Managed IT Services encompass a broad range of services aimed at proactively managing and maintaining an organization’s IT infrastructure. While the specific services can vary depending on the Managed IT Service provider (MSP) and the client’s needs, here are some typical services that are often included:

Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM):

  • Continuous monitoring of IT systems for performance, security, and issues.
  • Real-time alerts and notifications for potential problems.
  • Automated tasks and updates to ensure system health.

Help Desk and Technical Support:

  • A dedicated help desk for end-user support.
  • Handling and resolution of IT-related issues, inquiries, and troubleshooting.
  • Remote assistance for problem resolution.

Cybersecurity Services:

  • Implementation and management of cybersecurity measures.
  • Firewall management and intrusion detection.
  • Regular security assessments and vulnerability scanning.
  • Antivirus and malware protection.
  • Security incident response and management.

Data Backup and Recovery:

  • Regular data backups to secure off-site locations.
  • Data recovery solutions in case of data loss or system failures.
  • Testing and verification of data backups.

Network Management:

  • Management of network infrastructure, including routers, switches, and access points.
  • Network performance optimization.
  • Network security and access control.

Cloud Services:

  • Cloud infrastructure management and optimization.
  • Deployment and management of cloud-based applications and services.
  • Data migration to the cloud.

Software and Hardware Management:

  • Software license management.
  • Installation, configuration, and updates of software applications.
  • Hardware asset management and maintenance.
  • Procurement of hardware and software as needed.

Mobile Device Management (MDM):

  • Management and security of mobile devices (smartphones, tablets, etc.) used in the organization.
  • Remote device tracking, locking, and data wiping in case of loss or theft.

IT Strategy and Planning:

  • Assistance with IT strategic planning and alignment with business goals.
  • Recommendations for technology investments and improvements.
  • Budgeting and forecasting for IT expenses.

Compliance and Regulatory Support:

  • Assistance with industry-specific compliance requirements.
  • Ensuring IT systems meet legal and regulatory standards.

Reporting and Analytics:

  • Regular reporting on the performance and health of IT systems.
  • Analysis of IT metrics and trends.

Vendor Management:

  • Managing relationships with IT vendors and service providers.
  • Coordination of vendor support and services.

User Training and Education:

  • Training and education programs to enhance end-user awareness and skills related to IT security and best practices.

Scalability and Flexibility:

  • The ability to scale services up or down to meet changing business needs.

It’s important to note that the specific services offered by an MSP may vary, and clients can often customize their service packages to align with their unique requirements. Managed IT Services are designed to provide comprehensive support and proactive management of IT infrastructure to improve efficiency, security, and reliability while reducing downtime and IT-related disruptions.

Can Managed IT Services replace an in-house IT team?

Managed IT Services can complement and, in some cases, partially replace an in-house IT team, depending on the specific needs and goals of the organization. Whether Managed IT Services can fully replace an in-house IT team or not depends on several factors:

  1. Size and Complexity of the Organization: Small to medium-sized businesses often find that Managed IT Services can fully replace the need for an in-house IT team. However, larger organizations with complex IT needs may choose to maintain an in-house team while leveraging Managed IT Services for specific tasks or expertise.

  2. IT Requirements: The nature of an organization’s IT requirements plays a significant role. If an organization relies heavily on IT for its core operations, it may opt to maintain an in-house team to ensure immediate on-site support and specialized expertise.

  3. Cost Considerations: Cost is a critical factor. Managed IT Services can offer cost savings compared to maintaining a full in-house team, especially when considering expenses such as salaries, benefits, training, and hardware/software investments.

  4. Skills and Expertise: Managed IT Service providers typically offer a broad range of IT expertise. However, organizations with highly specialized or industry-specific IT needs may choose to retain in-house experts in those areas.

  5. Scalability and Flexibility: Managed IT Services can be scaled up or down to meet changing business needs, offering flexibility that may be challenging to achieve with a fixed in-house team.

  6. 24/7 Support: Managed IT Services often provide 24/7 support, which may be costly and challenging to maintain with an in-house team.

  7. Strategic IT Planning: Organizations that require long-term IT strategic planning and alignment with business goals may still benefit from in-house IT leadership.

In many cases, organizations choose a hybrid approach, where they maintain a small in-house IT team for immediate on-site support, specialized knowledge, and strategic planning, while outsourcing specific IT functions or tasks to Managed IT Services providers. This allows them to leverage the advantages of both models and ensure they have the expertise and support they need while managing costs effectively.

Ultimately, the decision to replace an in-house IT team with Managed IT Services or maintain both depends on the organization’s unique circumstances, IT needs, and budget considerations.

Who can benefit from Managed IT Services services?

Managed IT Services can benefit a wide range of organizations, regardless of their size or industry. Here are some examples of who can benefit from Managed IT Services:

  1. Small and Medium-sized Businesses (SMBs):

    • SMBs often have limited IT resources and budgets. Managed IT Services can provide them with access to a team of experts and cost-effective solutions to manage their IT infrastructure, enhance security, and improve efficiency.
  2. Large Enterprises:

    • Large enterprises with complex IT environments can benefit from Managed IT Services to augment their in-house IT teams. This allows them to scale resources as needed and gain access to specialized expertise.
  3. Nonprofit Organizations:

    • Nonprofits often operate with tight budgets. Managed IT Services can help nonprofits reduce IT costs while ensuring their IT systems are secure and efficient, allowing them to focus on their mission.
  4. Healthcare Providers:

    • Healthcare organizations require secure and compliant IT solutions. Managed IT Services can help them maintain HIPAA compliance, protect patient data, and ensure the reliability of critical healthcare systems.
  5. Financial Institutions:

    • Banks, credit unions, and financial firms rely on secure and efficient IT systems for their operations. Managed IT Services can help them manage IT security, compliance, and data protection.
  6. Manufacturing Companies:

    • Manufacturers often have complex production processes and supply chains. Managed IT Services can help streamline operations, optimize network infrastructure, and enhance cybersecurity.
  7. Retailers:

    • Retail businesses can benefit from Managed IT Services to support e-commerce operations, point-of-sale systems, inventory management, and customer data protection.
  8. Educational Institutions:

    • Schools, colleges, and universities can use Managed IT Services to provide reliable network connectivity, support remote learning, and protect sensitive student and faculty data.
  9. Government Agencies:

    • Government organizations at the local, state, and federal levels can leverage Managed IT Services to enhance cybersecurity, manage IT infrastructure, and meet compliance requirements.
  10. Legal Firms:

    • Law firms require secure and efficient IT systems to manage case data, communication, and legal research. Managed IT Services can help them maintain data privacy and security.
  11. Startups:

    • Startups may lack the resources to build an in-house IT team. Managed IT Services allow startups to access IT expertise and support on a budget, helping them grow and scale.
  12. Real Estate Agencies:

    • Real estate companies rely on IT for property management, listings, and client communications. Managed IT Services can ensure their IT systems are reliable and secure.
  13. Professional Services Firms:

    • Firms such as accounting, consulting, and engineering benefit from Managed IT Services to support client work, data security, and compliance with industry regulations.
  14. Hospitality and Tourism:

    • Hotels, travel agencies, and restaurants can use Managed IT Services to enhance guest experiences, manage reservations, and secure customer data.
  15. Any Organization with IT Needs:

    • Virtually any organization that uses IT for its operations, communications, and data management can benefit from Managed IT Services to ensure reliable, secure, and cost-effective IT solutions.

Managed IT Services can be tailored to meet the specific needs and challenges of different industries and organizations, making them a valuable resource for a wide variety of businesses and institutions.

Prescient Solutions serves North America from our office in Schaumburg, IL. For urgent requirements, please call our office 24/7/365. For questions or general inquiries, please use the contact form below, and a Prescient associate will respond in 24 hours or less.

Prescient Headquarters

1834 Walden Office Square, Fifth Floor
Schaumburg, IL 60173
Sales and Support (Toll Free): (888) 343-6040

Here at Prescient Solutions, our expertise becomes your expertise. We train our IT professionals in the most current technologies and practices. Together, our staff holds certifications in the following:

Server Operating Systems



Network Infrastructure

CSM, CCNA, CCDA, CCNP, CCDP, Cisco Wireless Specialist, CCIE Written

Fortinet Firewall 



Watchguard Certified Security Professional

Virtual Environments



ERP Solutions


Hyperion Certified Administrator

Dynamics NAV





Master Platform Partner


Hardware Certifications 

HP/Compaq, Dell, EMC, IBM

A+, Network+


webroot certification microsoft gold 2019